Singular Thumbnail


Developing a data aggregator for music events organizers, in order to facilitate the process of finding new artists for the shows. All the data comes from different APIs of the music industry. This project is a freelance mission. Date September 2021 - December 2021 Technology Vue Nuxt Typescript Tailwind Client Github Demo

September 1, 2021 Â· 1 min
Destination 365 Thumbnail

Destination 365

We work as a team of 6 developers under the AGILE method, on a project called Destination 365. The platform allows on-site shows to acquire an online presence for their participants. Users can attend sessions, connect to exhibitors, and many other possibilities. Date January 2021 - December 2021 Technology Vue Nuxt Typescript GraphQL Bootstrap Company Github

January 1, 2021 Â· 1 min